Festival Season:
January 2025

Barbara Fritz, Szilvia Adrienn Szakács
Barbara Fritz
Szilvia Adrienn Szakács
Run Time:
Awarded for the following Category(s):
Awarded Category(s)
The story is based on a true story, set in Hungary in the early 1940s in a small village where people lived from farming. It depicts the everyday life and beliefs of a so-called Sárközi territorial Reformed community. The good quality land near the Danube made it possible for farming families to become rich. To keep the wealth together, women tried to have only one child and to unite the land holdings with the most advantageous marriages. Landowners worked the land with their sharecroppers.
But what happens when the 19-year-old, only-son of a rich landowning family falls in love with a poor girl and gets her pregnant? What does the family, the community, say? What was the accepted rule in such cases? What is stronger, the rules of love or the rules of the community? Is there a compromise solution? What impact does community morality have on their lives? How does the community react when the woman's psychological state is weakened by the tragic events that have happened to her?
Our film is perhaps one of the first long music historical dramas among AI generated films with its 25 mins length. We added an extended outro to explain the historical background and the special process of filmmaking using 30 different AI tools and using real photos and videos of the place and costumes.

Submitter Statement
Filmmaking background:
The Core Team of 6 persons used more than 30 different AI applications during the filmmaking process. Everyone volunteers to participate in the project, investing their time and money. uring the filmmaking process, we all believed that it is now possible to create a good drama with the help of AI.
We generated more than 16,000 images for the film, from which we created around 2,300 videos, and invested more than 1,700 working hours into the project. We all believe that a deeper understanding of our culture and history enriches our lives. We created this film to show that it is important to know and appreciate our heritage in order to better understand and value our present, and to build a better future for ourselves and our children.
Historical background
During the first half of the 20th century, Hungarian rural society lived by strict 19th century norms. Society was structured along divisions of relative wealth, and marriages between wealthy and poor families was often rejected. Rural communities, particularly the "Sárközi" ethnic group - which lived in a smaller, 600 square kilometer area of Transdanubia, Hungary - kept a firm grip on marital practices.
Advantageous marital arrangements and keeping the number of offspring low were seen as a means of increasing land holdings. Having a single offspring was considered a wise decision for preserving family wealth. Abortion was strictly taboo in rural society; both unlawful and carrying terrifying superstitious associations.
Until the 1950s, abortion was permitted only in cases of extreme risk to the mother's health. Premarital pregnancy or giving birth out of wedlock drew a stigma of shame, and the women were invariably ostracized.
The number of abortions performed under illegal and brutal conditions by women on themselves or by midwives - was high. Statistics available since the late 1950s show that each year until the early 1970s, more abortions were performed than live births recorded. In the 1940s and especially in the Sárköz region - these statistics may well have been even more horrific.
Barbara Fritz:
I was born in Hungary and currently live here with my family. My original profession is economics. Alongside my work, I have always been passionate about the arts—especially filmmaking.
As a member of the Hungarian image prompter community (Prompters Hungary), I participated in creating a collaborative film, titled "Downgrade," was produced in January 2024. I wrote the screenplay and actively contributed to designing scenes and the visual world. Our film received numerous awards and selections in the AI short film categories at independent film festivals.
In early 2024, I co-founded a new AI film studio within the Hungarian image generation community. Operating under the name AIllusionStudio. Within this community, I primarily represent the artistic side— I write screenplays, direct, and my constant creative and directing partner is Szilvia Szakács. We are committed to crafting stories or film-embedded messages that resonate with the questions people face daily worldwide.
Independently from studio works, I write blog posts articles illustrating with videos under the stage name FacingMirrors. The posted content explore the intersection of our cultural heritage and future technology. I consider AI an excellent tool for widely rediscovering and reinterpreting our cultural traditions. I also strive to stay updated on world events by following cultural, economic, and social analyses.
Szilvia Szakács:
My name is Szilvia Szakács. I work as an engineer, but my interest in artificial intelligence started as a hobby and has now begun to evolve into something more serious. I am passionate about lighting arts, which allow me to bring 3D character modeling and cinematic scenes to life, especially using Unreal Engine.
My first film, 'Downgrade', was created with a small but highly talented creative team. By incorporating AI-based techniques, we were able to craft a unique visual style and tell a deep, compelling story. For me, this project was both a significant professional achievement and a personal milestone. I believe that artificial intelligence is not just a tool but a source of inspiration, enabling the creation of new visual experiences and imaginative worlds.
Although engineering remains a key part of my daily work, creating with AI-based techniques has started to play an increasingly important role in my life and is moving in a more serious direction. The harmony between my earlier creative projects and AI, as well as my commitment to teamwork, is vital to every project I undertake. I believe this is what truly makes my creations stand out.
Key Cast
Awarded for Best Editing - Barbara Fritz, Szilvia Adrienn Szakács
Other Credits